1SL Summer Fair Tombola – 4th July

1SL are running the Tombola at the Rosendale Summer Fair this year on 4th July and Mauny and Susan would love your help both in advance and on the day.
They have some prizes for starters already donated but need more so it would be great if everyone could bring into the class room something that can be used as a prize. There will be a box in the classroom to collect these.  They will be putting a list together of volunteers to help run the stall on the day so please let Susan or Mauny know if you would like to volunteer for a 30 minute slot (apparently the tombola sells out quickly!).
Thanks for your help in advance!


All week we have been practicing our programming skills and creating algorithms to get computers to do the thing we want them to do. We have written algorithms for making jam sandwiches and brushing our teeth and then had to debugged them when we made a mistake. We also had to program the beetbots to get around a square grid correctly and used the beetbot app on our ipads. We found that actually it can be quite tricky to create a perfect algorithm (list of instructions) first time round and that often we need to debug it a few times before we got it right. This has really helped us with our problem solving skills and perseverance!

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